
The Krative Sprout Program

A fast paced, challenging, and collaborative internship program designed around personal growth.

The Krative
Sprout Program

A fast paced, challenging, and collaborative internship program designed around personal growth.


An internship program focused on three simple values:

  • play


    Curiosity, Collaboration, and Exploration

    It's no secret how quickly children learn. Every day they observe the world around them with open eyes and open minds. At Krative, we believe this process should never stop. We must do the same, always keeping our minds open to new perspectives and experiences. We know the value of getting our hands dirty for a fresh approach to each challenge we take on.

    In the Sprout Program we place a high value on engaging our curiosities in an environment where we feel as though we are playing. By collaborating with our friendly team, we explore new opportunities whether it's an internal project for Krative, a client's project, or just for fun!

  • learn


    Technical and Interpersonal Skills

    Through PLAY we continue to experience and understand our world around us, as well as our own strengths. It is how we LEARN to identify and develop our strengths while refining and expanding upon our core abilities.

    As our Sprouts build their technical and interpersonal skill-sets, they not only become a more well-rounded individual, but one with distinct specializations only they can offer to the world.

  • growth


    Holistic Individualized Growth

    With a specialized, personalized and holistic combination of PLAYing and LEARNing, we begin to develop who we are as an individual. We grow to realize our own potential and how to achieve them. Having attained this, our Sprout is ready to take their newly refined sense of self into the world. Our Sprout will apply not only what they've learned, but also who they are, leaving a positive mark on our world.


Curiosity, Collaboration, and Exploration

It's no secret how quickly children learn. Every day they observe the world around them with open eyes and open minds. At Krative, we believe this process should never stop. We must do the same, always keeping our minds open to new perspectives and experiences. We know the value of getting our hands dirty for a fresh approach to each challenge we take on.

In the Sprout Program we place a high value on engaging our curiosities in an environment where we feel as though we are playing. By collaborating with our friendly team, we explore new opportunities whether it's an internal project for Krative, a client's project, or just for fun!


Technical and Interpersonal Skills

Through PLAY we continue to experience and understand our world around us, as well as our own strengths. It is how we LEARN to identify and develop our strengths while refining and expanding upon our core abilities.

As our Sprouts build their technical and interpersonal skill-sets, they not only become a more well-rounded individual, but one with distinct specializations only they can offer to the world.


Holistic Individualized Growth

With a specialized, personalized and holistic combination of PLAYing and LEARNing, we begin to develop who we are as an individual. We grow to realize our own potential and how to achieve them. Having attained this, our Sprout is ready to take their newly refined sense of self into the world. Our Sprout will apply not only what they've learned, but also who they are, leaving a positive mark on our world.

Who are you?

Branding & Design Sprout

Areas of focus:

Brand Positioning & Strategy

Advanced Graphic & Layout Design

Intermediate Web Design

Social Media Marketing Sprout

Areas of focus: 

Marketing & Advertising

Intermediate Writing & Communication

Basic Graphic Design

Social Media Maintenance

Web Design Sprout

Areas of focus: 

Website User Experience (UX) 

Basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

WordPress Content Management System (CMS)

Website Maintenance

Sales Intern - B2B Services

Areas of focus: 

Market Research
Develop & Maintain A Prospect Database
Prospecting Via Email, Phone Calls, & Social Media
Prepare Sales Materials & Presentations
Track & Report on Sales Activities & Outcomes

Who are you?

Branding & Design Sprout

Areas of focus: 

Brand Positioning & Strategy

Advanced Graphic & Layout Design

Intermediate Web Design

Digital Marketing Sprout

Areas of focus: 

Marketing & Advertising

Intermediate Writing & Communication

Basic Graphic Design

Web & Social Media Maintenance

An internship program built around you. The Krative Sprout Program's curriculum is custom-tailored to each individual.

Once a Sprout has been accepted into their chosen path (branding & design or digital marketing), they will work with their mentor to discover their individual strengths, increase technical proficiency, and gain valuable insight through hands-on experience.

What do some of our Sprout Graduates have to say?


Digital Marketing Graduate

"I was blessed to have a mentor such as Rick Callahan to guide me and train me. I couldn’t have asked for a better teacher. The lessons I learned while at Krative will always be held dear and close."


Branding & Design Graduate

"The Sprout program gave me the resources to grow and excel as a designer. With the hands-on experience I received from working with a creative team I was able to grow my confidence, and build a strong portfolio."


Digital Marketing Graduate

"The Sprout Program is not an internship, it’s a one of a kind experience that gives you the opportunity to do meaningful, hands-on work while encouraging you to think outside the box. It has had a profound impact on the way I view today’s digital advertising world and provided me with a framework for being a great marketer."

Graduates will be rewarded.

In 2011 the Krative Sprout Program began as a "for credit only" internship. Where college seniors received credit for the completion of the Sprout Program. The minimum hours to complete the Sprout Program were (at the time) higher than any of the region's colleges and universities required. 

This was to ensure that the experience and education gained through a Sprout's customized curriculum was valued more than the perceived requisite busy-work (envelope-stuffing, coffee-getting, facebook-promoting) that one must do to then be "qualified" to apply for an entry-level job.

Krative's founder, Rick Callahan felt it important to ensure that the Krative internship program was modeled after a traditional apprenticeship. Where the apprentice (in this case, Sprout) would gain invaluable wisdom that may only be learned through working on real projects, within a real team, under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

To that end, several Sprout Program graduates asked if they could stay longer in their program, without pay, to complete specific projects and gain more experience – even after they completed their required minimum hours for the Sprout Program and their particular school's degree requirements.

We sincerely believe that the experience, knowledge, and personal growth one develops during their internship is more rewarding and fulfilling to those in the Sprout Program than most other internships in the region. With that being said we are proud to offer a stipend to supplement our Sprouts while they invest their time into the Sprout Program – and themselves.

Successful graduates of the Sprout Program may receive a stipend totaling up to $500. This stipend is divided into four equal payments of $125 upon the Sprout reaching each milestone within their curriculum. For more details regarding the Sprout Program please contact (203) 886-0052.

Is the Sprout Program right for you? Apply below.

Rate Yourself

Rate your proficiency and/or experience in the following on a scale from 1-5. 1 being the least experience, 5 being the most experience
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Click or drag a file to this area to upload.